What Others Say About Working With Me

I love my community of amazing leaders and I hope you get to join them!

"Abby leads you home to yourself and how to shine like the stars we were created to be. It’s magical work. Thank you dear Abby. You’re an angel and I love you!"

- Nika

"If you are ready and willing to go deep, then Abby is the coach for you. She is an amazing container.

The safety that she brings with her compassionate witnessing and light emanating out of her was critical for my expansion. I really felt so supported throughout this whole process.

Abby will help you untangle that mess of trauma, so you can become more resilient, embodied, and alive to the present moment."

- Kaylin B.

"Abby's coaching allowed me to express myself in a safe place, and process my feelings and learn how to feel them.

I was obsessed with trying to resolve my issues- bouncing with one therapist to another. Until I started 1:1 sessions with Abby, I was not able to stop the rumination and external reactions with all my triggers.

Her sessions included notes that I can refer to with tools to help with triggers. I would recommend Abby to anyone that is serious about doing the real work to overcome your past and learn how to live in the present."

- Bonita L.

"It's almost difficult to put into words how much I enjoyed Abby's Y.E.S. program because it's tough to share all the little life-changing nuances I garnered into a pile of words, but I'll give it my best go: Abby's Y.E.S. program felt almost designed to be the only roadmap you need back to yourself, which -- as a leader, entrepreneur, coach, friend, lover, human being -- is essential. I would absolutely recommend this program if you want to know how to harness more freedom, self-mastery, peace, connection, joy, and momentum in a way that feels whole, healthy and aligned."

- Teresa P

"If you need someone to support you and hold space for you while you face your wounds, she is your gal.

Abby is a one of a kind soul.

Not only does she do an amazing job holding that space for you emotionally, she provides you tools to add to your self care toolbox.

She makes the whole experience personal to your needs and gives you so much extra value (journal prompts, suggestions etc) for you to dive into in between 1:1 sessions."

- Kathryn E.

"I was living in survival mode and exhausted when I began Abby’s course. I was relying on anxiety medicine to get through the day. Her course set the ground work for me to take a leap of faith for true healing. The program was professionally designed with individualized focus weekly. It was worth every penny I spent.

My only regret was not finding her and the course sooner. I’m grateful for Abby sharing her gifts and knowledge with others."

- Jessica H

"She is pure magic! She is meant to do and share this work! She is a master at creating content that is easily digestible and applicable, and facilitates the zoom calls with impeccable on-the-spot assistance with any personal scenario that arises with the participants.

I am in awe of her finesse to navigate the content and promote authentic participation, and I appreciate the deep connection that she creates within her groups from day one. I am forever grateful for her love and guidance…my life simply wouldn’t be this full without her."

- Lisa H

"I really appreciate that Abby brings a diverse toolbox of methods, which has been refreshing after my experience with other people who really push ONE specific way as the golden key. Instead Abby empowers us to learn how to discern for ourselves based on being connected to our body which tool will help us in any given situation.

Abby offers such strong reflective feedback, and may bring things back from things we previously said or tie them together with new awareness in a way that shows me she really cares and pays attention over the course of the program.""

- Alexandra C

"I went into Abby's YES Program not knowing what somatic or nervous system work really was, I just knew I was resonating with the things Abby talked about. The YES Program opened a new world for me and gave me tools that I know I will now use for the rest of my life!"

- Amanda Dahl

"Abby offers such strong reflective feedback, and may bring things back from things we previously said or tie them together with new awareness in a way that shows me she really cares and pays attention over the course of the program."

- Alexandra Covucci

"I summoned the courage to do an initial phone connection with Abby, and the rest is history! Abby is a phenomenal teacher and the program has so much to offer that frankly everyone needs to experience."

- Erin

"This program changed my life! Before this program, I had the worst inner critic and was afraid of everything. The YES program was a catalyst in bringing more awareness to my own traumatic experiences and knowing what helps me feel safe enough to express what needs to be expressed in order to heal." 

- Lisa

"Abby's Program has really helped me find the safety I have been looking for my entire life. I was suffering from chronic stress and had very little capacity for life's ups and downs. After the program, I am finally able to befriend myself, my sensations and am slowly finding safety within my system." 

- Lucy

"Abby brings depth and breadth of experience in somatic experiencing, real lived experience, humor, patience, and curiosity that blend to make her a joy as a guide. Abby's way invites a feeling of ease, care, and a realization that we're already so deeply resourced."

- Erin

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