14 Weeks to Discover
Your Essential Self through Nervous System Alignment and Somatic-Leadership

Applications Are Open!

Uncover and uproot what's been holding you back, learn to feel more at ease and powerful in your physiology on a consistent basis, develop flexibility in your nervous system, and create a foundation to build and sustain long-lasting change.

Uncover and uproot what's been holding you back, learn to feel more at ease and powerful in your physiology on a consistent basis, develop flexibility in your nervous system, and create a foundation to build and sustain long-lasting change.

Who Is This For?

Are you struggling with chronic stress, overwhelm, a lack of energy and the ability to focus and be consistent?

Do you want to learn how to let go of unhealthy patterns you've fallen into and/or just want to be able to feel better in your body and enjoy your life?

Do you have trouble setting and maintaining boundaries without second-guessing yourself or worrying that someone will be upset with you?

Do you have a desire to understand more about how your trauma and/or chronic stress history is affecting your life, relationships and the way you view the world today?

Are you ready to learn to lead yourself better through the highs and lows of life?

Or maybe you just want to live a bigger life and have better relationships - with yourself and others?

If you said yes to any (or all) of the above, the Y.E.S program is FOR YOU!

Take part in a step-by-step process to help you release old habituated patterns, break harmful cycles and create openness and flexibility in your nervous system to feel at ease in your life and be able to consciously navigate whatever 2024 may have in store!

Take part in a step-by-step process to help you release old habituated patterns, break harmful cycles and create openness and flexibility in your nervous system to feel at ease in your life and be able to consciously navigate whatever 2022 may have in store!

Are you tired of looking for answers and just ready to feel better?

You've come to the right place! I know how exhausting it is to search for solutions everywhere and still be feeling the same (or worse) than when you started.

Maybe you're starting to give up hope that feeling better is even possible for you...but I'm here to remind you...


there is SO much hope available! 🥳


And the better news is, you don't have to do this alone anymore.

This is for you if you...

  • need help setting, holding and reinforcing your boundaries so you can figure out who you really are
  • desire to come into a closer relationship with your body and nervous system so you can feel more calm and empowered to be able to handle anything that comes your way
  • are curious to learn more about emotional regulation and how to express yourself (and receive others' expression) in a way that feels safe
  • want to release long-held limiting beliefs about yourself and others so you can break out of analysis paralysis and live a more fully engaged life
  • are ready to get back in the driver's seat of your life, engage your power and agency and create sustainable positive change for the long term
Applications Are Open!

Details + What's Included

Learn how to uncover, discover and return to Your Essential Self - the grounded, centered and purposeful version of you that's been patiently waiting all along.

Weekly Sessions

14 - 2 hour group coaching calls every week (calls will be recorded and it's highly recommended you make it live).

Private 1:1 Coaching

2 - *optional* 90-minute individual private coaching calls to deep dive into specific tools, progress tracking and Somatic Experiencing sessions

Exclusive Facebook Group

Private Facebook Group for a container to explore and share your experiences, insights and wins with your Y.E.S Community

Actionable Resources

Worksheets, journal prompts, personal assignments and somatic exercises each week for integration, practice and reflection.

Intentional Community

An intentional collective of like-minded individuals on this path towards nervous system regulation, healing and self-leadership to become the best leaders we can be in a world that needs us the most right now.

Expert Facilitation

A trauma-trained somatic coach with an extensive background in (and passion for) teaching, embodiment work, and leading trainings and group experiences for nearly 10 years.

Applications are Open!

"I learned how to start thinking about myself and my emotions and the reality of being human pretty much for the first time in my life and I couldn't have done it in a more supportive, save and productive environment."

Outline of the Program and Weekly Modules

We'll use my proven framework, the L.E.A.D. Method, to help move you through the steps needed to access your current range of resilience, build a strong foundation of support and then slowly and methodically work through the nervous system patterns that have been unconsciously holding you back so you come home to Your Essential Self.

We'll spend time uncovering and unwinding subconscious grooves, evaluating with compassionate clarity, practicing conscious and embodied communication skills for your unique needs, desires and circumstances and develop resilience and prosilience so you feel grounded, empowered and embodied for what this year may have in store, no matter what that may entail.

What Students Are Saying

"Abby's the real deal"

Abby is truly a leader, educator, and one of the funniest humans I have ever met. She’s the real deal, she walks her talk, embodies the teachings and anyone who lands in a program with her is going to be gifted the experience of a lifetime – no joke.

Katie B.

"Best experience of my life!"

Best experience of my LIFE, no joke! I was so nervous going into it, but because of Abby all my anxieties were quickly swept away!

Dylan M.

"Abby is a life-changer"

Abby is a life-changer-for-the-better soul being! I am so grateful for all I learned and experienced with her!

Wendy A.

"I never once felt alone"

This experience has without a doubt changed my life for the better. Abby's wisdom, kindness, support and endless love had a profound impact on me. Thank you for pushing me outside of my comfort zone and doing it in a way where I never once felt alone.

Megan W.

"This program changed my life!"

Although I have been doing somatic therapy for some time, the educational layer that Abby brings filled in many gaps that I didn't know I was missing.

Every week my mind was blown about something new since we covered many theories / concepts / resources and tools. I have never joined a program that felt so welcoming, and this is all thanks to Abby's approach. We could show up to the group completely as we are - the ugly too as we invited in anger / shame / sadness / grief.

Through welcoming in the parts of us that are usually submerged, I found myself letting go of A LOT, and feeling so much lighter by the end. The outcome? I left a toxic job that was not serving me, I learned how to set boundaries in different relationships, I learned to sit in discomfort and know I am okay! And I gained confidence, courage, and tools to continue to grow. Before the program - My mind felt like a dark and scary place where I needed others to light candles in there for me.

Now, I am slowly lighting up candles myself and beginning to see the colors and beauty. What a gift! Not just to me, but to the people in my life as I am showing up as a better version of myself. If you are ready to begin an incredible journey, this is the place to start!

~ Eudora E. (Phoenix, AZ)

"Before the YES program I was feeling a bit disconnected from myself and longing for a bit more liveliness in my living. I noticed through the program that I have reconnected with more vitality, joy, and overall access to myself in a very loving way." - Melody G.

"Abby's Program has really helped me find the safety I have been looking for my entire life. I was suffering from chronic stress and had very little capacity for life's ups and downs. After the program, I am finally able to befriend myself, my sensations and am slowly finding safety within my system." - Light Lucy

"Before I joined this group, I was completely heartbroken and lost about how to stand up for myself. In this amazing, loving, supportive group, I learned how to get to know my body, how to go at my own pace, and be compassionate and loving toward myself in a way that is priceless." - Sarah Mongillo

"Before the YES program, I was familiar with somatic work and practices but struggling to make them part of my daily routine. This program taught me how to trust myself and stay more in tune and embodied throughout the day. It also helped me unwrite shame narratives I had been carrying with me for years." - Naima Rivas

"I felt like 'true healing' wasn't possible, even as someone trained in the mental health field. Despite being suspicious about signing up for a program I found on Instagram, I took a chance and signed up. I cannot overstate how much this program has changed my life." - Anna

"This program changed my life! Before this program, I had the worst inner critic and was afraid of everything. The YES program was a catalyst in bringing more awareness to my own traumatic experiences and knowing what helps me feel safe enough to express what needs to be expressed in order to heal." - Lisa

"I was scared to take some time for me, to stop and be in the moment, to feel my feelings. Growing up my motto was 'always be on the move, change is good,' 'you'll rest later,' 'you can do it alone.' This program showed me that I am safe with myself and it's okay to ask for help." - Amanda Ghosh

"Prior to this program, I didn’t understand my reactions to things, whether external or internal. This program has helped me to begin the work of uncovering and dislodging this sort of damaging thought process. This program has kicked off a lifelong adventure for me on learning what being a human truly means." - Kate Barron

"The YES program delivered everything it promised and more. I cannot recommend this course enough to anyone who is interested in the basics and going into the depths of the profound work that is Somatic Experiencing. Abby is a wonderful guide, and a wonderful person to learn how to co-regulate with!" - Amanda McGarry

"The YES program offers practical knowledge that is easy to understand and able to be related to your own self to better understand yourself, body, and behaviors. This program has encouraged greater awareness and provided me the tools and knowledge to continuously implement more and more into my days." - Kaylin Brennan

Meet Your Coach

Hi there! I'm Abby

Trauma-trained Somatic Coach and Creator of the Y.E.S Program

“I know there’s more to life than this!”
That was my cry 10+ years ago when I finally hit my rockiest of rock bottoms and took a giant leap of faith into a new life. Thank god, my yoga mat was there to catch me. And from that rubber foundation, I’ve been able to build a life that is SO much more than “this”.

What is “this”?
A four letter word – “This” is what keeps you stuck – in a dead end job, with a deadbeat partner, settling for less, wishing for more, feeling overwhelmed and undernourished, burnt out, stressed, impatient and consistently feeling like you’re living on the surface of life – floating along, but knowing there is more. And, spoiler alert, there is SO much more!

How Somatic Experiencing can help:

Somatic Experiencing is a form of body-based therapy that helps relieve tension and trauma patterns in your physiology (as humans, we all hold disempowering patterns at different points in our lives). “Body-based” means we work with the body in alignment with the mind to help get underneath the pattern and relieve tension while building resiliency and competency for the long term.

A coach in your corner:

I've learned, in the past year especially, how valuable and integral it is to have a guide (and compassionate witness) on this path. Someone to offer a listening ear, support and feedback, knowledgeable expertise, practices and techniques that suit you best, and all the insider tips and tricks to help you quantum leap your growth and progress. Somatic Experiencing has without a doubt, changed my life, but what I love most is sharing this modality and these practices with those who desire to learn more and who would benefit from them the most.

Are you ready to get started?

Application Are Open

It's time to say YES to you! There is an unprecedented opportunity in front of you right now and all you have to do is take one step forward to claim it.

This is an intimate, hands-on program. To respect the nature of the container, spots are limited. There is no better time than now to step into the most embodied and empowered version of you!

Apply Today

Check out these interviews with Previous Students!


What Students Are Saying

"I am more confident, more grounded and actually looking forward to the future in a way I couldn't before."

Before Abby's program, I was lost and miserable within the bounds of a relatively successful life. 

I was struggling every day and couldn't understand why or how I had gotten to this place. I felt so much internal pressure to be all these things for other people and I felt like a stranger to myself in the process.

Through working with Abby, I started seeing past and current life influences through a new lens and began to realize the role I am able to play in my own life to establish change where I need and want it.

This is POWERFUL work. I am more confident, more grounded and actually looking foward to the future in a way I couldn't before.

I cannot recommend this program enough to all the women out there, who like me, have incorrectly learned to shrink themselves in the face of others and to diminish themselves to any degree.

You are worthy and valuable and Abby's program will be happy to not only remind you, but to set you up with the tools to never forget again.

~ Sarah C. (New York, NY)

"If you're on the fence, my only words are 'Go for it!' You won't regret it!"

Abby's Y.E.S. Program was the BEST decision I've ever made for myself.

Before the program I felt lost, indecisive, and discouraged with my life.

This program has helped me understand my thought patterns, and help to unwind years of self-sabotage and self-loathing. It's allowed me to start treating myself with so much more kindness and to live without constant hesitation. 

The group coaching calls were so wonderful, everyone is so supportive and it's so heartwarming and reassuring to know that we're all going through the same things. The celebration call was magical and unlike anything I've experienced before!

If you're on the fence, my only words are "Go for it!" You won't regret it!

~ Erin R. (Canada)

"It is never too late."

This program has been an integral part of my healing journey. It was such a beautiful and moving experience. Abby creates the most wonderful container.

I had tried it all prior (& am grateful for all) but what this course taught me is how to lean on myself and that all the power lies within.

At the start of the program I could barely speak on the zoom calls still paralyzed with fear and by the end I was chatting easily and presently with a group I trusted completely.

I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to create community with a group of vulnerable heart-focused individuals and to also cultivate a relationship with yourself.

It is especially important for people who didn't have proper guidance from their caregivers in childhood to learn this information - it is never too late.

~ Katie M. (New Jersey)

"I never once felt alone"

This experience has without a doubt changed my life for the better. Abby's wisdom, kindness, support and endless love had a profound impact on me. Thank you for pushing me outside of my comfort zone and doing it in a way where I never once felt alone.

Megan W.

"This program changed my life!"

Although I have been doing somatic therapy for some time, the educational layer that Abby brings filled in many gaps that I didn't know I was missing.

Every week my mind was blown about something new since we covered many theories / concepts / resources and tools. I have never joined a program that felt so welcoming, and this is all thanks to Abby's approach. We could show up to the group completely as we are - the ugly too as we invited in anger / shame / sadness / grief.

Through welcoming in the parts of us that are usually submerged, I found myself letting go of A LOT, and feeling so much lighter by the end. The outcome? I left a toxic job that was not serving me, I learned how to set boundaries in different relationships, I learned to sit in discomfort and know I am okay! And I gained confidence, courage, and tools to continue to grow. Before the program - My mind felt like a dark and scary place where I needed others to light candles in there for me.

Now, I am slowly lighting up candles myself and beginning to see the colors and beauty. What a gift! Not just to me, but to the people in my life as I am showing up as a better version of myself. If you are ready to begin an incredible journey, this is the place to start!

~ Eudora E. (Phoenix, AZ)

"The Y.E.S. program delivered everything it promised and more!" I cannot recommend this course enough to anyone who is interested in the basics and going into the depths of the profound work that is Somatic Experiencing. Abby is a wonderful guide, and a wonderful person to learn how to co-regulate with! My favorite part about the program was being connected to a group of courageous and vulnerable humans who are walking the same road together. Being in this collective group provided a sense of belonging, and gave me more acceptance for being rather than doing. Take the jump, invest in yourself by joining this program, and it will be some of the best money you have ever spent! I can't recommend it enough :) ~ Emiscah B. (Australia)

"I feel that I've developed a deeper, more in-tune connection with my body and am better able to explore, understand, and tap into my own personal experience." The Y.E.S. program offers practical knowledge that is easy to understand and able to be related to your own self to better understand yourself, body, and behaviors. This program has encouraged greater awareness and provided me the tools and knowledge to continuously implement more and more into my days, as I see fit, to help keep my nervous system regulated. And if you're wondering about Abby - she is an amazing human, wonderful facilitator, and excels at holding space and offering compassion and understanding to all experiences! ~ Brooke L. (San Diego, CA)

"If you are ready to feel at home again in your body and discovering true healing I highly encourage you to join the Y.E.S. program, it’s changed my life." I was really struggling with fatigue that seemed to have no cure, I was ready to throw in the towel and give up. I found the yes program while scrolling through social media and was very intrigued to learn about the nervous system. I had focused only on diet and supplements to heal and never thought about the nervous system and what effects trauma has on us ignored long term. Abby was so supportive through the whole program and made me feel seen. It always felt like such a safe place. After the third meeting I could honestly say I didn’t feel like I had adrenal fatigue anymore. I felt like I could go through a whole day without a nap and that was unheard of for me! My digestion and sleep have improved. I’m still healing but seeing the effects of working on coming back into my body are so encouraging! If you are ready to feel at home again in your body and discovering true healing I highly encourage you to join the yes program, it’s changed my life. ~ Nikki L. (Fort Worth, TX)

"Months later I find that I use parts of the program every single day. I have felt - and been told by loved ones - that I am much calmer and grounded." Doing the Y.E.S. program was such a pivotal experience for me that I would do it again & again and without reservation I recommend it to anyone who feels called to it. Abby brings depth and breath of experience in somatic experiencing, real lived experience, humor, patience and curiosity that blend to make her a joy as a guide. Abby's way invites a feeling of ease, care and a realization that we're already so deeply resourced. I always felt I could bring all of me to her space, truly refreshing and nourishing. Throughout the Y.E.S program we learned concepts with our brains, but even more importantly we dropped into our bodies to experience our own uniqueness of those concepts and integrate them. Months later I find that I use parts of the program every single day. I have felt - and been told by loved ones - that I am much calmer and grounded. I know why - Y.E.S. & Abby led me to more intentionally tap my well of resources to navigate my nervous system, my emotions and my life in a completely different way. I am so grateful I stepped into this program and gave it my best. ~ Kate B. (Philadelphia, PA)

Apply For YES


Feel free to reach out here if you still have any questions.